
New digitally networked
test bench in operation

A new test bench was put into operation at ARCA in Tönisvorst in June this year. Compared to the largest test bench to date, the new test bench can take three times the load (2,450 kN), works up to 690 bar with water and tests from DN100 PN400 / 4″ CLASS 2500 to DN500 PN63 / 20″ CLASS 300. Valves larger than DN500 / 20″ can be tested outside the test bench up to a test pressure of 690 bar.

A major advantage of the test bench is the automatic data transfer of the target data from SAP and that of the actual data to SAP. As a result, no manual calculation or reading of tables is required, nor is manual input that allows transmission or typing errors. Digital networking at its best!
Even larger valves with welded ends can now be manufactured without welded pressure plates. This means cost savings and approximately two weeks shorter lead times.
In addition, many larger valves no longer need to be flange-mounted for testing, which entails corresponding cost and time savings, e.g. 3 ANSI 16″ valves with a previous complete testing time of 700 minutes, are now completely tested in 200 minutes. The saving is 165 minutes per valve.

After the corresponding start-up time, the target data transfer from SAP and the actual data transfer to SAP will also be implemented on the smaller test benches in Vorst and Strotzbüsch. In addition, the test data including target data and tolerances are recorded so that a target/actual evaluation as well as a qualitative evaluation can be made, which provides information on the extent to which certain valve types really exploit the permitted tolerance range.
All in all, a big improvement along the way to the digital age with promising possibilities.