Solar plants
We found our entry into solar energy through the construction of solar systems for power plant operation, in which ARCA is already an established and reliable partner.
Two processes have emerged here.
In the first, the sun’s rays are focused in a point-focusing system by a mirror field (heliostat) on a heat exchanger or receiver, which is positioned high up in a tower and causes the water to evaporate. This operates the well-known water-steam-condensate cycle. The generator feeds the electricity into the grid via the steam turbine.
The second is a line-focusing system that guides a piping system through hollow mirror fields. A heat transfer fluid such as water, thermal oil or liquid salt is passed through the piping system and heated as it flows through.
As a company with many years of experience in the field of solar systems, we are your partner for the next generation in the field of Concentrated Solar Power.
Solar systems with line-focusing systems
In the line-focusing system, a piping system passes through hollow mirror fields.
The corresponding control loops and control applications are shown in the process chart.
A heat transfer fluid such as water, thermal oil or liquid salt is passed through the piping system and heated as it flows through.
Our ECOTROL® control valves are used at various positions for this circuit and the control of the flow. Depending on the heat transfer medium, for example, the steam is used directly in the power plant circuit.
In the case of thermal oil or liquid salt, a primary and secondary circuit are used in which the ECOTROL® control valve together with the TRIVENT controls the secondary loop temperature.