

During the ARCAlaunch cold commissioning, our service specialists accompany you through your system, which is under construction. The accessibility and operability are coordinated, optimised if necessary and attention is paid to the correct wiring or piping. Problems such as the subsequent rotation of actuators or entire valves as well as the repositioning of the instrumentation are now things of the past.

Critical points during construction are excluded from the outset during hot commissioning. Is everything right? Does everything interact properly? Are the pipes all clean? As a logical throttle point of a system, piping system and valves are typical “dirt traps”. The ARCAlaunch range of services therefore includes special flushing sets for our valves, which allow a safe flushing process and exclude possible damage to the trims. After that, your system is “ready for launch”.

Our ARCAlaunch service package can be agreed upon when awarding of the contract.

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